Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters
Commonwealth of Virginia
Prince Hall Affiliated
Chartered on 26 April 1998

Grand Illustrious Deputy Master, Grand Illustrious Principal Conductor of the Works, Past Right Grand Thrice Illustrious Masters, Elected and Appointed Grand Council Officers, Thrice Illustrious Masters, Deputy Masters, Principal Conductors of the Works, Past Thrice Illustrious Masters, Officers and Illustrious Companions of all subordinate councils obedient to the Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Prince Hall Affiliated, Inc.
Greetings: 18 January 2023
Know ye that I, Michael Hairston, Right Grand Thrice Illustrious Master, pursuant to Article VII, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Prince Hall Grand Council Royal and Select Masters, Commonwealth of Virginia, Prince all Affiliated, Inc., and by the authority vested in me, do hereby proclaim that the Prince Hall Grand Council, Royal and Select Masters will convene on Saturday 25 March 2023.
Purpose: School of Light
Place: Masonic Temple, 1004 Halifax St, Petersburg, Virginia 23803
​Time: 9:00 A.M.
I do hereby summon ALL Grand Council Officers Elected and Appointed, ALL Past Honorary Grand Council officers, ALL Council Officers to register and be present for the purpose of viewing the state of the craft and transacting any business that may come before this Grand Council.
Respectfully James J. Manning III
3x9 Grand Illustrious Recorder
Michael Hairston
Right Grand Thrice Illustrious Master
2023 School of Light Proclamation